Colaboran MARCA y Radio MARCA.

Place: Auditorio Tomás y Valiente, Calle de Leganés, 51, 28945, Fuenlabrada, Madrid.

Date: February 21, 2019 – March 21, 2019.

A must!

At the end of the XX Century, the renown Seve, Indurain, Arantxa and others brought Spain into the spotlight of the sporting world, with their individual triumphs, meanwhile paving the road for the new athletes to follow. Further triumphs took place in the new century, notably by teams with gold medals and world titles in football and basketball. In the span of a decade, Spain reached its maximum potential in sports and was considered the greatest power in the world. Athletes such as the Gasol brothers, Nadal or Fernando Alonso forged a generation that kept on breaking records. And to top it all of, Spanish clubs reigned in the big football championship cups. At last, the glory of such a brilliant era will come to life again at Museo del Deporte (Spanish Sports Museum). Old and new generations will be able to admire and reflect upon great legends of the past and present and relive sporting history.

Around 60 exhibitions all over Spain since 2016

Around 60 exhibitions in 35 cities from 12 different Spanish regions. LEGENDS and HALL OF FAME shows have occupied the most emblematic venues of these cities, creating great expectations among their citizens. In each of them, the students groups have had priority on weekdays. Through visits organized in the mornings from Monday to Friday, schools, especially with children from 8 to 14 years old, have been able to illustrate the history that our sport is generating. It is an activity highly valued by students and teachers due to the enjoyment of the exhibition and its formative force.

Jugones from ‘la Sexta’ visits Museo del Deporte

LEYENDAS in DMAX Discovery and Eurosport

The Spanish Sports Museum and World Athletics recently signed an agreement in order to work together and promote each other’s activities, celebrate and honor the history of the sport of Athletics.

Visit MOWA (Museum of World Athletics)

‘Museo del Deporte’ (the Spanish Sports Museum) is a proud founding member of ECROS (European Cultural Route of Sport) to which institutions such as the French National Sports Museum, the Paris 2024 organizing committee, the Alice Milliat Foundation or the Benfica Museum from Lisbon, Portugal also belong.

Visit ECROS (European Cultural Route of Sports)

“The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph”